Food prices are on the rise and yet we are told that the average household wastes something like a third of the food it buys and so I make Fridge Debris Soup. This idea, like so many others, came to me via the Moneysaving Old Style forum -
I don't work on Mondays so that's my day for catching up with housework, meal planning and cleaning out the fridge. I take all the veg that looks like it's not going to survive the night - you know all the puckered peppers, bendy carrots and yellow broccoli - cut off the worst bits and slice up.
Normally I would bung it all in the Slow Cooker but this time I have had to use my big pot for two reasons. The first being that I went a bit crazy in the yellow sticker aisle so there is rather more than usual, but, more importantly I broke my SC a little while back smashing the crock pot to smithereens - I'm not having a lot of luck with appliances at the moment. Next add some water to cover and some seasoning of some sort - I like that marigold bouillon stuff. Bring to the boil and allow to simmer until everything is tender.
Then I like to let it cool down enough for me to fish any stalky bits or tomato skins out - my life is way too short to skin a tomato. Whizz in a liquidiser or with a stick blender to a consistency you like - The Princess likes it all to be pretty unrecognizable so that's what she gets.
It always ends up this colour no matter what I put in - a bit like when toddlers mix up the Plasticine to brown. If it tastes ok then I will leave it at that but if not I might add some worcestershire sauce or some pesto. Pour into containers and freeze as soon as completely cool. I try to make sure that I label everything to avoid UFO's (Unidentified Frozen Objects). Ok so Gordon Ramsey has nothing to worry about but it's good nourishing food for those can't-be-bothered or too-close-to-payday evenings. if The Princess turns up her nose it fast becomes Like-It-Or-Lump-It-Soup
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