Some time ago I decided that whilst my 11yo daughter was at her Father's I would try to see more of this country and that the best way to do this on a very tight budget was with a tent and a bike. the first bank holiday of the year saw my first venture out - a trip to Oxford. I had previously joined the caravan and camping club which means that I can be assured of a well maintained site, can book online, and the backpacker rates are very cheap.
Site fees for 2 nights was £10.80 and the train fare (with network card) was £15 so not bad for a weekend away (we'll just draw a veil over the £178 spent at on new tent, sleeping bag, sleep mat and various other bits and bobs)
The journey was fine but the back of the bike was so heavy that I had some difficulty getting it on the train - I have tended to go for comfort rather than
ultralightness with the equipment.
arrived at Oxford station at 12.30 am and went off in hunt for a tourist information for a map. I then followed National Route 5 out of the city and into the campsite. Having pitched the tent and unpacked I headed back into town via the Go Outdoors shop which is at the front of site and is well worth a visit if you're in the area and into camping gadgets.

Had a lovely lunch in town while listening to the football on dab radio. Last day of the lower leagues and my brother's team was relegated. I called him to commiserate but couldn't keep it up - yes the
Brentford family derby is on again.
stocked up on food and headed back to the site on the more direct
Abingdon Road. By the time I had finished cooking and eating dinner it was getting quite dark. I was just starting to wind down for my first night in a tent on my
tod when my 18yo daughter called to see if I was lonely and/or scared and had I thought of the potential dangers which she then proceeded to list - everything from terminal boredom to being eaten by wild animals. Well I hadn't really .... not until then. i don't really do lonely actually and am easily entertained so long as I have my radio and a book to read. it just felt lovely to get away from the housework for a bit and just be.
By 10pm I was tucked up in bed and on my third
voddie and coke and feeling very relaxed. The site had been advertised as a bit noisier than the normal. A bit! there is a bloody great factory depot thing across the little stream from where the tents are which was open all night with lights blazing. I had to put my mp3 player on to drown out the noise.
woke several times in the night as I was too hot! every other camping trip I have been on has been dominated by cold nights in inadequate sleeping bags so I had invested in a 3-4 season bag which is comparatively heavy and bulky but I'd rather be too hot than too cold.
woke up late on
Sunday and after a shower and porridge a la
Trangia headed into town along the
Thames path.

My guide book had a couple of walks in it so i followed a couple of these and pretty much covered the town.

Unfortunately there were a lot of graduations going on and many of the
colleges were closed but i did spend a lot of time at the Ashmolean. headed back to the site and the noise and the lights but slept much better. Was woken by the rain just after 7 and decided that as it didn't look
like stopping I would get an early start. As I was setting up the
Trangia another solo camper came along with a pan of hot water and offered me a coffee. we got chatting and it turned out that he was from
Switzerland and had spent the previous 5 weeks working and camping in
Scotland and was heading home.

I packed up and started the journey home in the tipping rain. i arrived at the station an hour and a half early for my train and asked the ticket man if it mattered much if I got on an
earlier train. He said that it did but I went through the barrier anyway. He then spent the next hour and a half running out onto the platform every time a train came in to make sure I wasn't getting on it -
Jobsworth! I waved cheerfully at him every time he came out. when my train came in the guard insisted I put the bike in the guards van at the front of the carriage and then run along the train to a normal carriage. I spent the whole 26 minutes between Oxford and Reading stressing about doing the whole thing in reverse and having visions of my bike carrying onto P
addington without me. I was right to worry as having dashed from the carriage to the guards van the guard came to shut the door before I was out. On the Waterloo train I noticed that i was getting odd looks - I still had my waterproofs on and it was about 26 degrees outside with not a cloud to be seen. When I got in my eldest daughter said it had been a gorgeous weekend. A quick phone round of my friends revealed that whether they had stayed at home or gone away they had had lovely weather so I can only conclude that my own personal rain cloud had followed me ... not for the first time